About Our School
Bealiba Primary School is a small rural learning community located in Central Goldfields Shire, 74 kilometres west of Bendigo and 46 kilometres from Maryborough.
The school currently (2021) has eight students ranging from foundation to year 6. It is staffed by a principal/teacher, two part time teachers and an SSO/office manager. Students are taught in one classroom allowing for both individual and group learning.
The Bealiba Primary School aims to provide each student with a comprehensive program, encouragement, support and respect opportunities to enable them to achieve his or her full academic, physical, social and emotional potential.
Programs are developed that ensure positive outcomes for all our students. Bealiba Primary School endeavours to create an environment in which every student feels happy, safe, important and valued as an individual.
The school offers a comprehensive curriculum with an emphasis on Literacy and Numeracy. It also includes M.A.R.C. – Mobile Area Resource Centre and Japanese – LOTE language and participates in the Goldfields Cluster of Schools joining in such activities as Performing Arts and Sports days.
The Bealiba Primary School is central to the Bealiba community and is a valued and well utilised facility within the town.
Bealiba Primary promotes a friendly community atmosphere where teachers and parents work together to promote a challenging, caring and supportive learning environment.